Organic, melodic & downtempo house dj guidē brings spacey vibes to accompany your psychedelic and ‘dare to be different‘ event. He brings a selection of deep spacey tunes to uplifting organic adventures, supported with guidē original productions with a BPM ranging from 100 to 125.
guidē musically grew up in the vinyl era with BAR27, Gasten Zonder Grenzen in the underground house scene of Amsterdam, The Netherlands. With a vast experience in music going all the way back to 2004, guidē has always been present at the decks, the studios, the parties, the afters and the after-afters. guidē is here to share this experiences by guiding souls into ecstasy and beyond.
guidē is currently resident at hosting the psychedelic after/morning show #Retteketetteket every Sunday 10am-12 CET and plays all over the Netherlands but also in Saigon, Vietnam where he resided for 7 years.